I don't know what it is about this girl, but she has the most amazing designs. I absolutely fell IN LOVE with her patterns. All the cabled goodness and the beautiful, creamy hues she chooses just makes everything so whimsical and cozy looking. If you're on ravelry and haven't checked her stuff out yet PLEASE do. The Parseltongue Hat and Forest and Frill are my absolute favorites! Here's her ravelry page:
In other news, I'd been suffering a long hiatus between figuring out grad school, fixing up things around my house (minor spider infestation, no big right?) and trying to keep everything in my life straight. I MAY have forgotten about my lovely blog readers (I have readers right?) and my things that I need to be taking care of around ravelry...so without any more interruptions...
(yes I actually was knitting all this time)
This right here is a not so awesome picture of my Yellow Basic Cable hat (the Basic Cable hat from Stitch and Bitch Nation). It's made out of that ATROCIOUS yarn from Joann Fabrics (I know everyone knows which one I'm talking about) but I couldn't resist the colors. It was a royal pain in the arse to actually knit with it though, It kept twisting back on itself, and GAH! It was just so bad. I can't even begin to explain... It's only redeeming quality was this:
COLORFUL! The colors are so pretty! The yellow didn't bleed like the other colorways tended to (or so I heard) and the binder thread was white so It didn't show through (like the others were supposed to). It wears well, actuall. It was just torturous to knit with.
I also have this little goodie here:

This is my Luxury Cowl from Lion Brand that was comissioned as a present for my mother. You can't really see it, but this yarn has a metallic sparkle to it in some hue of iridescent (spelled that right, right?) pink that she ADORED. It's not my cup of tea, but the shawl pin I had kicking around went perfectly with it, so I gave that to her as well. She saw one of my OLD crocheted cowls that I wear constantly in the winter and wanted one of her own, so I made her one. I actually knit this a while ago after I sliced my hand open at work and couldn't work until I was cleared by the hospital.
Actually...both of these aren't so recent...
Lately I've been really partial to wine and berry colors. Crimsons, blacks, greys, and creams. This makes sense because I realized while yellow is a very cute color, it's not actually a color that I wear often, and thus this hat looks silly with most of my clothing and other accessories. Most everything I've been knitting since the summer started (both of these were finished by June) has been either some kind of neutral, or something maroon-colored.
One last thing, I recently got to feel Rowan Cocoon for the first time...