Well, I did, and then someone had to go and ruin it two days later with drama...
I've never been a jealous person, ever. Generally speaking I don't keep my men (or my man in this case) on a leash becausee that's one way to get them (him) to run away REALLY fast. No one takes well to being held down...
However, some people like to pretend that I have serious problems with his ex-girlfriend (ancient ANCIENT history, also present at party) and THEN tell her about it, make me look like an ass, and start a whole series of rumors that aren't true (obviously) and make this girl feel insecure about it enough to talk to MY BOYFRIEND about it, basically apologizing or wondering why I hate her so much because of ONE PERSON who doesn't have a life...
I really cannot stand it when people feel the need to not only poke their nose in other people's business, but CREATE problems within an otherwise happy home. I mean, excuse me but what part of my relationship was your business anyway? And why is it so imparative that you create problems at a party where there aren't any? Is beer, and swimming, and general good times all around not FUN for you? She should have left if she was bored. Generally speaking I tend not to pay attention when people tell me they don't like me, I was a cheerleader in high school, I made some enemies, but when the drama is BRAND new, and drama I'm TRYING to avoid, which is the adult thing to do, I get pissed. Really, REALLY pissed...
Grow up you asshole.