Monday, July 27, 2009


Have you ever been to a party where everything was completely FINE, nothing was going wrong, you weren't angry at any one particular person in general, you weren't worried about some girl macking on your boyfriend, and you were genuinely having a good time?

Well, I did, and then someone had to go and ruin it two days later with drama...

I've never been a jealous person, ever. Generally speaking I don't keep my men (or my man in this case) on a leash becausee that's one way to get them (him) to run away REALLY fast. No one takes well to being held down...

However, some people like to pretend that I have serious problems with his ex-girlfriend (ancient ANCIENT history, also present at party) and THEN tell her about it, make me look like an ass, and start a whole series of rumors that aren't true (obviously) and make this girl feel insecure about it enough to talk to MY BOYFRIEND about it, basically apologizing or wondering why I hate her so much because of ONE PERSON who doesn't have a life...

I really cannot stand it when people feel the need to not only poke their nose in other people's business, but CREATE problems within an otherwise happy home. I mean, excuse me but what part of my relationship was your business anyway? And why is it so imparative that you create problems at a party where there aren't any? Is beer, and swimming, and general good times all around not FUN for you? She should have left if she was bored. Generally speaking I tend not to pay attention when people tell me they don't like me, I was a cheerleader in high school, I made some enemies, but when the drama is BRAND new, and drama I'm TRYING to avoid, which is the adult thing to do, I get pissed. Really, REALLY pissed...

Grow up you asshole.

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